Concoa's new series of mass Flow meters and controllers are designed to accurately monitor and control the flow of a wide range of gases electronically. The new series is part of the company’s line of specialty and scientific research gas systems and equipment.
Series MFM Thermal mass flow meters and MFC thermal mass flow controllers feature a standard maximum working pressure of 500 psig and are supplied standard with correction factors for air, helium hydrogen and carbon dioxide, with other factors available on request.
Made from 316L stainless-steel bar stock, units are available in a broad range of flows from 0 to 10 sccm to 0 to 20 lpm. Their accuracy is very high at + 1% of full scale, and each unit is supplied with a NIST Traceable Calibration Certificate. Circuitry is designed to withstand high RF interference and has a fast response for performance and accuracy.
Both a single- and four-channel five-digit display and controller with 16-bit resolution -- giving a reading accuracy of 0.02% with field selectable voltages of either 110 volt DC or 220 volt DC -- are available to monitor and control from one to four units. The entire product range is marked CE for compliance with European Union directives for use or sale in the European Union.