Design & Simulation

A successful chemical process depends upon the appropriate selection, sizing and configuration of the various unit operations and other equipment necessary. This rarely is a simple or rote exercise. Instead, it usually requires careful evaluation of various design and operational parameters, often via modeling, coupled with the application of proven best practices. 


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Spinning Innovation With Ceramic Nanofibers

Fermilab research using a process called electrospinning shows promise for scaling ceramic nanofiber applications.
Source: Shutterstock.
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Use HAZOPs Properly

A hazard and operability study (HAZOP) mostly is a safety design check, not a design development review. Making and finalizing major design choices should occur long before a ...
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Enhancing Chemical Process Safety with High-Fidelity Simulation

Predicting process safety behaviors, gaining insight and enhancing training to minimize risk in chemical operations.
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Generative AI in the Chemical Industry

From molecule discovery to contract compliance, chemical manufacturers are just touching the surface on generative AI's potential.


Yakobson Research Group/Rice University
Rice University Yakobson Research

Rice University Secures $4 Million for Materials Research

July 9, 2024
2D project aims to establish predictive synthesis models for perovskites, nitrides, oxides and other materials.
American Chemical society
American Chemical Society

Nobel Laureate Frances Arnold to Receive ACS's Highest Honor for Pioneering Directed Evolution

July 8, 2024
Caltech professor and presidential advisor recognized with 2025 Priestley Medal for revolutionizing chemical and biological design through accelerated evolutionary techniques