Paratherm Corporation invites subscribers to TipSheet™, an email series delivering technical information for users of heat transfer fluids and thermal oil systems. On a monthly basis, Paratherm engineers release bits of advice, tips, engineering discussions, and general wisdom about the applications, systems, and fluids.This month's tip (Tipsheet Issue #15 ) an explanation of fluid film temperature and its influence on fluid degradation, begins a three-part series on maximizing fluid longevity in the system. Parts two and three will explore oxidation and contamination. The TipSheet series is purely editorial. It contains no Paratherm product information, and no marketing content. Topics of future TipSheets will include startup and shutdown procedures, system contamination causes and cures, problems with water in thermal fluid, fire and other safety issues, and more. To subscribe to the Paratherm TipSheet (Archives and New Additions), simply send an email to [email protected] (Aweber is the subscription service.) The email can be blank. Or, visit the TipSheet Archive page at There, you can look at archived TipSheets, and subscribe if you wish.Heat Transfer Fluids (Thermal Liquids, Hot Oils) precisely control temperatures in hundreds of different applications in the processing industries. Due to the variety of applications, types of heating, differing process cycles, and many other variables, the intricacies of these heating and cooling systems can create technical challenges as the systems age, or with design additions and changes.