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Linde’s Fronheiser Wins Golden Valve Judges’ Choice Award

July 22, 2015
Bill Fronheiser, principal structural designer for Linde Engineering North America (LENA), received the Judges' Choice Award in the Engineering and Construction category at the Intergraph 2015 Golden Valve Awards event for his entry of a hydrogen plant 3-D rendering.

Hydrogen plant 3-D rendering earns Judges' Choice Award.

Bill Fronheiser, principal structural designer for Linde Engineering North America (LENA), received the Judges' Choice Award in the Engineering and Construction category at the Intergraph 2015 Golden Valve Awards event for his entry of a hydrogen plant 3-D rendering.

The Golden Valve Awards were held on June 2 in conjunction with HxGN Live, the annual user's conference for Hexagon and Intergraph software solutions.  The awards annually recognize the most innovative and well-executed Intergraph customer uses of Intergraph Process, Power & Marine (PP&M) software. Fronheiser's plant rendering is featured in a promotional video for Intergraph.

For more information, visit: www.linde.com

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