1660252996764 Morgan

Morgan Releases Heat Flow Calculator

Aug. 29, 2014
Morgan Advanced Materials launched Heat Flow, an online heat transfer calculator.
Morgan Launches Heat Flow

Heat Flow is a web-based heat transfer calculator.

Morgan Advanced Materials launched Heat Flow, an online, steady-state heat transfer calculator. The Heat Flow application allows users to simulate an unlimited number of heat transfer scenarios using Morgan’s insulation and refractory products, and other user-defined materials.

Heat Flow comes pre-loaded with nearly 400 products offered by Morgan’s Thermal Ceramics business, including Superwool insulating fiber and Kaowool fiber blankets, Pyro-Bloc Modules, K Insulating Fire Bricks, Kaocrete and Kaolite monolithics. Users can add other materials into a user-defined database to run calculations. The heat transfer calculations use the ASTM C680 formulas, with the latest 2010 revision. The company will extend the service to other geographic regions over the coming months.

Heat Flow is compatible with most computer operating systems and web browsers. Users can save favorites and view or edit previous calculations; individual calculations can also be downloaded in PDF format. Mobile applications for smart phones and tablets are available on iTunes and the Google Play Store.

For more information, visit: www.morganheatflow.com

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