CSB Releases New Safety Video on Fatal Acetic Acid Release

July 17, 2024
Simulation demonstrates two key safety failures that led to the accident.
The U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) released a new safety video on its investigation into the fatal release of acetic acid at the LyondellBasell La Porte Complex in La Porte, Texas, on July 27, 2021, that killed two contract workers. 
Approximately 164,000 pounds of a highly corrosive acetic acid mixture erupted from equipment when three contract workers inadvertently removed critical components of a plug valve. All three workers were sprayed with the acetic acid mixture. Two of the workers died from their injuries.
The new safety video, “Designed to Fail: Chemical Release at LyondellBasell,” includes an animation of the events leading to the incident, as well as commentary from CSB board member Dr. Sylvia Johnson and CSB investigator Benjamin Schrader.
The safety video addresses the two key safety issues identified in the CSB’s final investigation report released on May 25, 2023 that contributed to the incident: valve design to prevent human error and providing workers with conditions, procedures and training to safely conduct work. The video also highlights safety recommendations the CSB made to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the American Petroleum Institute and LyondellBasell.
In the video, Johnson states: “As this tragic incident has shown us, even a simple task can turn deadly if it is not properly performed. It is time to improve the design of plug valves and take other protective actions, such as ensuring that clear markings are visible on all existing plug valve pressure-retaining components, and workers are properly trained before conducting maintenance. Vital steps like these can go a long way in injury prevention and help save lives.”

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