Chemical Processing has opened its annual Job Satisfaction and Salary Survey to participants for 2024. With a large enough pool of respondents, the survey results offer an accurate view of industry salaries, bonuses, employment outlook and workforce shortages.
The survey, introduced in 2005 and launched each year in the spring, allows respondents the unique opportunity to share the satisfying aspects of their careers and what areas bring frustration. Over the years, the results reveal dynamic industry trends such as increased job outsourcing, hiring freezes and pay cuts followed by high demand for jobs post-pandemic, the retirement boom and knowledge gaps among other workforce challenges.
The survey, which takes roughly 10 minutes to complete, is open to anyone who works in the chemical industry. Chemical Processing staff will verify the validity of respondents to ensure accurate results. Data will be tallied and shared in an exclusive Salary Survey Report ebook later this year. All information submitted in the survey is private and respondents remain anonymous in the final report.