China's New Pollutants Control Action Plan: Key Steps for Chemical Monitoring and Risk Assessment

Aug. 25, 2023
Chemicals subject to the reporting are classified into four categories. The information required for each category varies.

China's State Council released the New Pollutants Control Action Plan in May 2022, outlining steps for chemical substance monitoring and risk assessment. According to The National Law Review, The Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) will conduct surveys and risk evaluations on priority chemicals, utilizing an online platform for industry-specific reporting. A three-year process, companies must report chemical data in 2023, 2024 and 2025. The plan aims to complete risk assessments for high-concern chemicals by 2025, publish controlled pollutant lists and enforce risk control measures. Varied regional reporting deadlines exist, subject to confirmation with local environmental authorities, followed by potential on-site audits and data submission to higher authorities.

Chemicals subject to the reporting are classified into four categories. The information required for each category varies.

1. Chemical substances for basic environmental information survey, which are those of high concern, high production (use) volume and high environmental detection rates, total 3,960 types. The identities, quantities, and uses of these chemicals should be reported.

2. Chemical substances for detailed environmental information survey, which are those listed in the First Batch of Chemical Substances for Environmental Risk Priority Assessment Plan (still in draft) and the Inventory of Priority Controlled Chemicals (first batch and second batch), total 40 types. Information related to manufacture, processing/use and disposal is needed for reporting.

3. Chemical substances for key control information investigation, which are those listed in the List of Priority Controlled New Pollutants (2023 Version), total 14 types. Information related to the implementation of environmental risk measures is needed.

4. Chemical substances for convention implementation information survey, including PFOS, PFOA, decabromodiphenyl ether, short-chain chlorinated paraffins, etc. Production capacity, production volume, storage volume, use volume, applications or destinations are necessary for reporting.

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