During the VMA/VRC Annual Meeting in Santa Barbara, California, in September, the Valve Manufacturers Association announced its 2022 Person of the Year, Bryan Burns, president/CEO at DeZURIK Inc., and Service Award recipient, Kyndle McMurray, marketing manager, Richards Industrials.
The Person of the Year Award is VMA’s highest honor and is given to one individual each year. The winner “truly possesses passion for the industry and shares their knowledge with others to help advance VMA and the industry at large,” according to the organization.
Burns reportedly was influential in many aspects of the association over the past few years, including launching the development of the organization’s strategic plan, serving as the VMA board chair and guiding the organization through the first year of the pandemic. In addition, his peers recognized him for his leadership, volunteering and stepping up when asked, as well as supporting others at DeZURIK to be involved with VMA.
The Service Award recognizes individuals who have provided outstanding service, expertise and guidance while participating on a committee. McMurray received a VMA Service Award for having gone above and beyond in supporting VMA, contributing to committee efforts and working with committees and staff to deliver value, according to the organization. She has been a member of the marketing and communications committee for many years, stepped in over the last year to fill the committee chair role quickly and taking charge of the committee's role at the Valve Forum this past April. She also served on the strategic planning committee.
Read more at: www.vma.org/awards