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BASF Celebrates First Zhanjiang Complex In China

Sept. 12, 2022
The plant will provide a capacity of 60,000 metric tons of engineering plastics compounds per year in China.

BASF Zhanjiang Verbund site in China

BASF inaugurates the first plant of its new Zhanjiang complex in the province Guangdong in South China. The plant reportedly will provide a capacity of 60,000 metric tons of engineering plastics compounds per year in China, particularly for customers in the automotive and electronics industries.

Upon completion, the new complex  Zhanjiang will be BASF's third largest after Ludwigshafen, Germany and Antwerp, Belgium. The plant will serve as “a role model of sustainable production both in China and globally,” according to the company. BASF reportedly plans to power the entire Zhanjiang complex with electricity from renewable resources and targets 100% achievement by 2025.

For more information, visit: www.basf.com

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