1660252497511 Nanofenixcoatedcommercialironcatalystsforammoniasynthesis

QuantumSphere Validates Nano Iron Catalyst In Ammonia Synthesis

May 19, 2015
QuantumSphere, Inc. announces commercial validation of its proprietary nano iron catalyst FeNIX in a production-scale ammonia plant in China.
Commercial iron catalysts for ammonia synthesis
QuantumSphere, Inc. announces commercial validation of its proprietary nano iron catalyst FeNIX in a production-scale ammonia plant in China. Working closely with a Chinese industrial chemicals partner, 23 metric tons of standard ammonia catalysts were coated with 360 kilograms of FeNIX nano catalysts and loaded into multiple catalyst beds. Initial validation results from a 40,000 metric ton per year plant demonstrated a 10-15% increase in ammonia output, with no plant modifications, according to the company. Beyond ammonia production, QSI also has nanoscale catalysts in the development and lab validation phases for methanol and gas to olefins (GTO) processes.

For more information, visit www.qsinano.com

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