The company aims to raise the overall proportion of women in positions with disciplinary leadership responsibilities.
By 2021, BASF aims to raise the overall proportion of women in positions with disciplinary leadership responsibilities from today’s 19% to 22%–24% globally, a share that reportedly reflects the percentage of women in BASF’s global workforce. Around the world, BASF wants to increase the number of senior executives from countries other than Germany, which accounted for 34% of senior executives at the end of 2014. BASF also wants more than 80% of its senior executives to have international experience, a goal the company surpassed by the end of 2014, with 83% possessing international experience, according to the company.
BASF says it has been fostering diversity through a range of measures worldwide for over ten years. The goals to promote greater balance in terms of gender and nationality in BASF’s leadership team extend across BASF Group worldwide and levels of management as a whole. The goal for the percentage of women in leadership is not meant to be reflected in each individual country, company or management level; according to the company. BASF will ensure compliance with national and local laws
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