Japan’s Chemical Daily Introduces English Language News Service

Sept. 7, 2016
Japan’s leading newspaper covering the chemical and allied industries launches an English-language website.

The Chemical Daily (Kagaku Kogyo Nippo), Japan’s newspaper covering the chemical and allied industries, launches an English-language website. The company reportedly aims to provide global readers with information that has not been accessible to non-Japanese speakers.

“Japan’s chemical industry is the third largest in the world. Yet we often hear from international business people that they lack information,” says Osamu Odajima, president of The Chemical Daily Co. Ltd. “Our goal is to make it easier for companies from around the world to do business in Japan, with Japanese companies, or both.”

The Chemical Daily is publishing its English news service by partnering with Japan Industry News, a service dedicated to supporting Japanese industry newspapers going global. Published since 1936, the Japanese-language print edition of The Chemical Daily reportedly reaches over 100,000 readers every day.

For more information, visit: www.japanchemicaldaily.com

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