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2017 Chem Show Draws Thousands

Nov. 13, 2017
Thousands of professionals gather at the 2017 Chem Show to see what’s next for processing technology.

2017 Chem Show at the Javits Center in New York

The 2017 Chem Show welcomed more than 5,100 registered industry professionals to the leading event for processing technology at the Javits Center in New York City recently. Plant managers, executives, engineers, equipment manufacturers and other industry personnel across a broad range of chemical process industries (CPI) gathered for the three-day event to put the future of processing technology on display and learn and share new ways to optimize their plant operations.

“The theme of the Show this year focused heavily on the evolution of the CPI. The world is quickly becoming more connected -- we’re seeing how this is changing the way the industry operates, and how things like the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and innovative new technologies are emerging to improve productivity, increase efficiency, cut costs, reduce waste and help companies be more sustainable,” says Clay Stevens, manager of the Chem Show.

During the show’s three days, exhibitors led 39 free Best Practices and Technology Seminars to provide answers to the practical challenges that chemical engineers and plant managers face every day, linking new technologies and solutions to products and services on the show floor.

One session, hosted by Rockwell Automation’s Brian Zakrajsek, area manager of process solutions, showed just how the IIoT, open networks, big data and analytics are going to transform the industry into a connected enterprise. Zakrajsek said enabling smart assets and connected devices brings data from the facility floor to business systems through an open network, creating a more complete picture of the equipment and operations. He emphasized that gathering information is just the first step, pointing to big data and analytics. Through analysis, facilities can achieve many benefits, such as increased asset utilization, sustainability and environmental friendliness, improved operational flexibility, safety and security, and easier compliance with regulatory requirements.

Exhibitors and attendees can look forward to the 2019 Show, which will take place on November 19-21 at the Javits Center in New York City. For more information, visit: www.chemshow.com.

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