Caltech Scientist Becomes First American Woman To Win Nobel Peace Prize In Chemistry
Oct. 9, 2018
Frances Arnold is the first American woman to win a Nobel Peace Prize and only the fifth woman ever to win the prize.
A California Institute of Technology biochemical engineer, whose work was dubbed part of a “revolution in evolution,” becomes the first American woman to win a Nobel Peace Prize in Chemistry since the award’s inception 117 years ago, according to an article from The Hill. Frances Arnold is also only the fifth woman ever to win the prize.
Arnold was recognized for her efforts with "directed evolution of enzymes," which have advanced the development of drugs for diseases like Crohn's, and for her contributions to the creation of renewable fuels, according to the article. Arnold receives half of the $1.01 million prize; the other half is divided between George Smith from the University of Missouri in Columbia and Gregory Winter, from the Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, England.
A woman also took home the Nobel Peace Prize in Physics: Donna Strickland becomes the first woman to win the award in 55 years, according to The Hill.
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