Women’s Forum Honors Eastman

Nov. 16, 2021
Eastman is recognized for achieving 36% female board representation.

The Women's Forum of New York honors Eastman at its sixth biennial "Breakfast of Corporate Champions" (BCC) for achieving at least 35% female representation on its board of directors. The company, with representation of 36% women on their board, says it is recognized as a corporate “game-changer” for promoting women's leadership in the boardroom.

"To achieve our vision, we continually strive to be a company that welcomes people of all backgrounds, cultures and experiences, and that starts at the top with our board," says Mark Costa, board chair and CEO. "In terms of gender diversity, we've publicly committed to achieve gender parity across all levels of our professional workforce by 2030."

This commitment has helped Eastman increase its number of women in senior leadership positions in recent years, according to the company. Today, four of Eastman's eleven board of directors seats are held by women—Vanessa Allen Sutherland, Julie Holder, Renée Hornbaker and Kim Ann Mink.

For 2021, the Women's Forum will salute the 243 companies from the S&P 500 and Fortune1000, that have achieved 35% or more female representation on their corporate boards. All "Corporate Champion" honored companies, from 2011 to 2021, have reportedly exceeded the national average of board seats held by women. The Women's Forum recognizes the critical role of Eastman's leadership in accelerating change to help make gender equity a business priority, and for driving intent to action, according to the company.

"We salute Eastman for their impressive success to achieve greater gender balance in their corporate boardroom," says BCC Founder and Chair Janice Reals Ellig, CEO, The Ellig Group. "As part of the Women's Forum of New York's ongoing ‘Corporate Board Initiative,’ we're proud to honor Eastman as an important member of the 2021 class of Corporate Champions who are determined to lead the way."

The Women's Forum "Corporate Board Initiative" reflects the organization's belief that change happens more quickly when it's driven from the top. The initiative focuses on company leadership, including CEOs, directors and nominating and governing chairs, working to advance the appointment of women with the overarching goal to achieve gender parity on corporate boards.

For more information, visit: www.eastman.com

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