Westlock Controls’ Smart Positioner Meets ITK Criteria

May 12, 2013
Smart positioner features improvements to both firmware and hardware.

Westlock Controls announced that its ICoT 5400 passed the ITK 6.0.1. criteria. The ICoT 5400 is a fully digital positioner that provides measurement of valve stem position for a wide range of actuators, including spring and double-acting variants. Designed to meet FOUNDATION FieldbusTM protocols, the positioner fulfills the control requirements of the petrochemical, oil and gas industries and can be incorporated into customers’ plant network infrastructures.

Based on the existing ICoT 5000 series of digital positioners, the enhanced 5400 features improvements to both firmware and hardware, including a unique graphical display, an extended trunk length, single loop integrity and multi-drop capabilities for up to 32 devices per segment. Specifically designed for remote applications, ICoT smart valve positioners can be mounted up to 150 feet away from the controlled device, making them suitable for valves that are located in high vibration or extremely corrosive environments.

Their non-contact sensor, employing an external magnetic module, enables the use for advanced controls strategies, while extremely accurate tracking of the control signal by using a rotating analog-to-digital converter that interfaces between the sensor and microprocessor.

For more information, visit www.westlockcontrols.com.

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