Forget World of Warcraft, let's master Bacto-Lab, Robo-Lobster, Cloud Control and Space Junker. Instead of role playing in fantasy land, you can engineer E.coli bacteria for beneficial applications. The key is to do so without letting loose harmful bacteria that would surely cause widespread panic.
The Science Museum, London, has launched the four video games to raise questions about the future of medicine, robotics and technology. According to an article in The Guardian, "the games raise relevant questions about the technologies and how they may impact humanity, allowing students to form their own opinions on emerging scientific issues."
The games reside on an area of the Science Museum site called Futurecade. Once there you'll be greeted by a little blue ghost-like avatar that offers this message: Welcome explorer, to the future science simulation program. You will be testing some of the most advanced tech yet to see if it is fit to defend humankind.
Being a child of the 80s and a master at Space Invaders, I decided to try my hand at Space Junker. The goal is to clear space junk – old rocket parts and broken satelites. Suffice it to say we are a long way away from the 80s and I am no longer a nimble-fingered kid. Think you can do any better? Check out the Futurecade site.
To read The Guardian article, visit this page.
Traci Purdum,
Senior Digital Editor and former Space Invaders high score holder at Barbarino's Pizza
On the social media front, be sure to check out her Google+ page.