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Don’t Pee In The Pool

Aug. 17, 2016

I go to a water-aerobics class several times a week. It’s a bunch of 30- 40- and 50-somethings getting our cardio on while enjoying the swimming pool. The only day I avoid the pool is Sundays – that’s when the kiddies invade and I’m always paranoid they are not heeding Mother Nature’s call and getting out of the pool to go to the restroom.

A recent Reactions video from The American Chemical Society proves it’s not OK to pee in the pool. (For the record, I didn’t really need a video to prove it.)

According to the video, chlorine isn’t the reason our eyes turn red when we swim. It’s actually the reaction of urine and chlorine combining to make disinfection byproducts. Additionally, urea and chlorine combine to create trichloramine, which is responsible for the classic pool smell.

Lucky for me, I’ve never experienced red eyes from my water aerobics classes. And while I was always bummed the pool didn’t give off the familiar pool smell, I now thank my lucky stars it doesn’t.

Watch this three-minute video to learn more. And as the saying goes, I won’t swim in your toilet if you don’t pee in my pool.

Traci Purdum is Chemical Processing’s senior digital editor. She fancies herself a modern-day Esther Williams and is looking forward to watching synchronized swimming at the Rio Olympics. You can email her at [email protected].

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