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Check Out The 2018 Gift Guide

Dec. 18, 2018

By Alyssa Edmunds

There’s one week left until Christmas and if you are anything like I am, you haven’t even begun your shopping yet. No need to fret! I’ve compiled a list of awesome gifts to buy for the chemical engineer in your life!

Know an engineer who loves coffee? Then this is the perfect gift! They can make their co-workers jealous by drinking out of this Erlenmeyer mug (pictured) Note: Don’t mix it up with any of the Erlenmeyer flasks with chemicals in it!

Ugly Christmas sweaters are no match for nerdy Christmas sweaters. This sweater will be sure to win any Christmas sweater contest.

These glow-in-the-dark chemical-element coasters (pictured) will be sure liven up any holiday party.

Coloring books aren’t just for kids; they’re designed for chemical industry too!

This handy dandy pen (pictured) does the chemistry work for you. Inside the pen is a scroll that unravels into the periodic table. Never forget the atomic mass of any element again.

Chemistry never looked so fashionable! This fancy scarf can be worn to the office or a night on the town.

Now you don’t have to worry about the chemical engineer in your life. Sorry if you have non-chemistry lovers in your life. As far a gift giving goes, you’re on your own.

Alyssa Edmunds is Chemical Processing’s social media intern and a student at The Ohio State University. She is studying Actuarial Science. She’s hoping she can cram all her holiday shopping in before the big day. Wish her luck.

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