Chemical Processing is now accepting nominations for its 2007 Plant Innovation Award. The award will be presented annually to recognize innovative solutions to processing problems at chemical plants throughout the world. Nominations will be accepted until Feb. 2, 2007, for systems or equipment that were installed in May 2005 or later. An application form can be downloaded at the bottom of this page using the "Download Now" button.
Chemical Processings Plant Innovation Award is the only public award presented to individual engineers or teams for creatively and significantly improving existing facilities. The award symbolizes peer acclaim for initiating and implementing process improvements that reduced costs, enhanced quality and diminished risks to the environment and safety.
Nominations should include a description of the problem and the solution that was implemented, including its contribution to improved worker safety, product quality or plant operations, as well as its economic benefits. Individuals may nominate themselves or others.
An objective panel of judges will review the submissions and determine the award winner.
The winning individual or team will be recognized in the May 2007 issue and will receive a plaque commemorating this achievement. Send your inquiries to Dirk Willard at [email protected]. Also, contact Dirk for additional information about submitting a nomination.