Editor's Note: This is Figure 4 from the 2012 Salary Survey: Salaries Move Ahead – Slowly.
As in previous years, the top frustration for most respondents (40% or 577) is the lack of recognition.
"It's a lot of work, [but] not much recognition for the hours spent on the job. Besides doing the job, you also have to be a mentor and trainer, plus peacemaker at times," says one survey participant.
The work environment nabbed the #2 spot, with 27% (389) of readers conveying their dissatisfaction.
"Be aware of the culture of the industry. The chemical industry is very conservative and traditional. It's not like Google, Intel, et al. that receive much press about the work environment," griped one reader.
Another warned, "Be prepared for long working hours and a tough working environment."
The hours and workload, as well as salary and benefits also topped the list of complaints, noted by 26% (374), and 25% (356) of respondents, respectively.
"Compensation and benefits are good and would be even better if the hours, workload and stress involved were a bit less," notes one participant.
"As for benefits, my employer pays a lot of lip service to work-life balance, but the reality is more representative of the 70's or 80's. Over 50% of what I do can be done remotely, but my boss won't allow me to work unless I'm physically at the plant. We all have laptops and Cisco VPN, but telecommuting is expressly prohibited. As a single mom with a toddler, telecommuting is essential, so of course I do it anyway (as does everyone else, including my boss) but it doesn't count toward my 40 hr/week. VERY FRUSTRATING," complains one reader.
"I would like more time off. Working 50 hours a week and only taking two weeks vacation does not allow me to be with my family enough," laments another respondent.
Long work hours are typical, as nearly 60% (921) of readers say they average 41-50 hours a week, and 18% (283) clock 51-60 hours.
How the Data Were Gathered
A total of 1,564 respondents participated in this year's survey.
From January through March, respondents accessed the survey questionnaire via a link listed on the www.ChemicalProcessing.com Web site, in e-newsletters and in e-mail blasts sent to readers. Additionally, those who follow Chemical Processing on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn also were encouraged to participate.
Read the full story: Salaries Move Ahead -- Slowly