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Comical Processing: You Write The Cartoon Caption Winner April 15, 2012

April 15, 2012
Congratulations to Stuart M. Sinisi. Stuart submitted the winning caption to this cartoon. Think you can write a funny caption? Be sure to check out our latest cartoon.
"Comical Processing" features drawings by award-winning cartoonist Jerry King. It’s our way of letting you take a break from all the serious stuff you deal with at work —  by coming up with appropriate light-hearted captions.
I did go over budget by $80,000 but look on the bright side;
it will save us $100 per month on our electric bill.

Honorable Mentions

"You said you wanted a new vacuum for the house." Submitted  by John Street

"Finally, a solution to your hot flashes!" Submitted  by Michael L. Dunn

"It's the latest from the government in energy management!" Submitted  by Robert Andrew

 Click here to see the current Comical Processing cartoon.


"Solyndra came home to roost." Submitted  by Tom Williams; Richmond, Va.

"This is called space management." Submitted  by Milind Aher

"Oh, M-G" Submitted  by Richard P Waltermeyer Jr; Decatur, Ill.

"Now all we have to do is add the propeller and let the wind blow!!" Submitted  by Ferman Prewitt; Monett, Mo.

"I was the winning bid on EBAY!!" Submitted  by KENNETH HACKMANN

"And this little beauty comes with a fully automatic kite flyer." Submitted  by Carl Thorn

"So your Dad has finally found a use for all your Mums hot air!" Submitted  by Craig Watkinson

"But the plant was just giving away this surplus equipment!" Submitted  by Keith Wamsley

"AND it will add to the re-sale value of the house!" Submitted  by Scott J. Weston

"We're going green! Wait til you see what I've done with your treadmill!" Submitted  by Jim McDow; Augusta, Ga.

"I'm just taking a little off the top." Submitted  by Buck Jones; Lacey, Wash.

"You said to shave." Submitted  by Buck Jones; Lacey, Wash.

"You said you wanted me to do some work around the house." Submitted  by Mario Cumo, Youngstown, Ohio

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