Bring it on — the good, the bad and the ugly. We can take it. We want to know exactly what you think of the articles, news and other content we publish in Chemical Processing and on We've added a "Reply" section at the very bottom of each article and news item. Just add your thoughts to the "Comment" box and hit "Post." You must be logged in to reply. If you're not logged in, you will see a "Login" Here link. And if you aren't a member yet, you can access the "Register Now" area via this same "Login Here" link. It's an easy process — we only ask for your email address and for you to create a password.
The comment area is straightforward — write your thoughts and you're done. But if you want to get fancy, you can incorporate HTML tags (a few examples are provided to help you along). You can even upload images to help illustrate your point. And if you want to keep tabs on the comments coming in for that piece, just subscribe to the RSS feed for comments on that particular item. You can also subscribe to all comments that come in to the site. As a precaution, I will be the gatekeeper for comments to ensure no swear words, slander or spam make it through — but that's it. I won't filter comments if you disagree or want to point out mistakes. The aim of this feature is to learn what you're thinking, how you use our content and if we are on target with what you need. If we've hit the nail on the head, let us know. Do you think the author is spot on? Give that person a pat on the back. Have additional questions that the article didn't cover? Jot them down — they may prompt us to develop a follow-up piece that provides the answers you seek.
To give you a little incentive to share your thoughts, we are going to give out a $25 American Express gift card each month to a random commenter. The more you comment, the more chances you have to win. And to sweeten the deal, we are going to give away a $100 American Express gift card at the end of the year to the comment our editorial staff deems most thoughtful.
We appreciate your feedback and look forward to reading your comments. And as I've stated before, we won't toss critical posts. Indeed, years ago I misplaced Rhode Island on a map that accompanied an article I wrote. As the editor responsible for the Letters to the Editor page, the following month I published every letter calling me a dimwit, ding dong and geographically challenged loser. Since that gaffe, I always have a U.S. and World map nearby.