Phoenix Contact introduces the PSRmini family, which includes 6- and 12-mm safety relays. The narrow SIL-certified coupling relays are 70% smaller than standard 22.5-mm safety relays, according to the company.
The 6-mm devices (PSR-PS) and 12-mm modules (PSR-PC) can be used as output elements for potential-free coupling to safety-related controllers. The PSRmini range includes SIL-certified modules for safe deactivation (e.g., emergency shutdown) and safe activation (fire and gas). Due to the safety relays’ internal logic, the fail-safe PLC does not require any feedback to the safety-related inputs, according to the company.
In addition to reducing space and material requirements, PSRmini has simple diagnostics directly at the device or controller, which can reduce downtime. The safe coupling relays can be used in potentially explosive areas, simplifying the design of distributed concepts. Approvals includes Performance Level (PL) e according to EN ISO 13849, SIL 3 according to IEC 61508/61511, ATEX, IECex, and Class I, Division 2.
The new relay technology has force-guided contacts to ensure safety. The PSRmini is also compatible with Phoenix Contact system cabling Termination Carrier for startup and connection in the field.