CRI, Johnson Matthey Reach Agreement For Methanol Catalysts

Nov. 2, 2021
Carbon Recycling International and Johnson Matthey collaborate to support sustainable methanol.

Carbon Recycling International (CRI) and Johnson Matthey (JM) agree on a long term exclusive catalyst supply agreement for the use of JM’s Katalco methanol catalysts in CRI’s emissions-to-liquids (ETL) designed CO2-to-methanol plants. The combined offering reportedly helps meet the urgent need to remove carbon emissions in hard-to-decarbonize sectors of the economy, according to CRI.

Conventional methanol production involves fossil feedstocks such as natural gas or coal. Methanol manufactured with CRI’s ETL process using JM catalysts provides an effective route to sustainable methanol from CO2, according to CRI. This can be recovered from either industrial processes or biomass, such as waste and residues, or atmospheric sources. The technology will reportedly provide a pathway to achieving net zero emissions by contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Making methanol from recycled CO2 is one of the most effective ways to achieve carbon capture and utilization (CCU) for the chemical industry, according to CRI. Methanol manufactured with CRI’s ETL process meets all standard industrial specifications and can be used in all current methanol applications, according to the company. JM will supply its methanol synthesis catalyst for the CRI designed ETL plants.  JM’s catalyst has been used in all CRI’s plants to date and the companies’ ten-year cooperation will continue with the agreement, according to CRI.

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