ACC Responds To 2016 Election

Nov. 15, 2016
The American Chemistry Council issues a statement in response to the results of the U.S. elections and how ACC will work with new leadership.

The American Chemistry Council (ACC) issues a statement in response to the results of the recent U.S. elections and how ACC will work with the new leadership and Congress to advance issues that are important to the business of chemistry:

"ACC and its member companies congratulate President-elect Trump and Vice President-elect Pence on a decisive victory. Last night's election was a clear call by the American people that they demand the kind of change that will produce results in Washington and economic growth across the country. Thanks to our country's vast shale gas resources, the chemical industry is driving a manufacturing renaissance and can be a major contributor to growing our nation's economy and creating good, high-paying jobs that can sustain communities and provide families with a secure livelihood. The business of chemistry will be a partner with leaders in Congress and the Trump/Pence administration to ensure the right policies are in place to support robust and responsible energy and infrastructure development that will keep our industry and our economy on a path to strong growth.

"We congratulate Majority Leader McConnell and Speaker Ryan for Republican victories in the House and Senate. Leaders in both houses of Congress have demonstrated that they understand the importance of the chemical industry to our country's economy, to creating jobs and to developing materials and innovations that revolutionize our society and provide solutions to pressing challenges facing our nation and our planet. The passage of the Lautenberg Chemical Safety Act earlier this year with overwhelming support reflects that Congress understands that an effective and reliable chemical regulatory system is essential to the success of American manufacturers. We look forward to working with the new administration as it carries forward the implementation of the LCSA so EPA proceeds in a way that will promote safety and innovation.

"As one of our nation's largest exporting industries, robust trade in raw materials and finished products helps fuel the growth of our sector here at home. The $175 billion in investment in new factories and expanded production capacity by chemical producers, thanks to domestic shale gas, has positioned the U.S. to substantially grow its role as a premier supplier of essential materials for markets around the world, but reaching that potential will require sound trade frameworks. We agree that trade should be fair, and also know firsthand that trade can unlock potential in our economy and create jobs here at home. We hope to work with Congress and the Trump administration to chart a path forward on trade that will help American businesses thrive and benefit American workers."

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