Stay Safe

Trish Kerin
Antarctic Peninsula

Process Safety: Embrace Challenges, Recognize Limits, Manage Risks

It's crucial to operate within our professional boundaries and effectively mitigate risks when operating beyond them.
Pause, Reflect, Act

The Difference Between Experiences and Learning in Process Safety

Daily experiences vary, but key events hold lessons. Reflection is vital for learning and shaping success.
Remembering Tragic Events

Reflecting On Tragedy Can Improve Process Safety

Historical events and emotional connections can foster learning and help keep chemical facilities safe.
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Process Safety: Don’t Let Risk Management Falter

A deep understanding of risks empowers us to make informed decisions
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Prevent Process Safety Incidents by Identifying Weak Signals

Listen in as Trish Kerin employs the platypus to help us uncover weak signals -- those unexpected or unexplainable alarms, lead indicators that may be easily dismissed as false...
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Process Safety: Prepare For The Worst

Ensure your employees are trained to respond to an emergency so their response is second nature.
Differences between on-spec and fit-for-purpose
Story Telling

Process Safety: What Are Your Shell Middens?

Storytelling provides a great way to communicate vital process-safety information.