Case Study: Oil Eliminates Tar Buildup, Seizing in Vacuum Pump

July 31, 2008
Value Proposition: Technical know-how and a lubricant recommendation from Dow Corning applications engineers helped drive costs down. Application: Lubrication of vacuum pump in chemicals rocessing plant. Problem: High-purity synthetic oil was rapidly oxidizing, resulting in a buildup of tar and varnish that caused pump seizure every four to seven days. Solution: New technology ultra high-purity synthetic blend vacuum pump oil

Value Proposition
Technical know-how and a lubricant recommendation from Dow Corning applications engineers helped drive costs down.

Lubrication of vacuum pump in chemicals processing plant.

High-purity synthetic oil was rapidly oxidizing, resulting in a buildup of tar and varnish that caused pump seizure every four to seven days.

New technology ultra high-purity synthetic blend vacuum pump oil