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CP eHandbook: Use Energy Effectively

Sept. 26, 2012
Effective energy management can help achieve more efficient use of energy without reducing production levels, product quality or employee morale, and without compromising safety and environmental standards. It should not only address higher efficiency generation, energy conversion, distribution and utilization, but also explore lower-cost energy alternatives. Simply put, energy management is optimizing the energy cost per unit of product output. In this Chemical Processing Energy Efficiency eHandbook, we take a look at how to achieve effective energy management including:
•    Energy management programs – the roles and responsibilities needed to create an effective energy management programs
•    Internal and external resources needed for an effective energy management program including what to expect from top management
•    Energy management basics – the five key activities to help reduce energy use
•    Compression dryers – a review of three alternatives: heat, desiccant and refrigerant. Understanding whether the purchase “cost” outweighs the “value” in terms of energy consumption and production levels. Download now

Effective energy management can help achieve more efficient use of energy without reducing production levels, product quality or employee morale, and without compromising safety and environmental standards. It should not only address higher efficiency generation, energy conversion, distribution and utilization, but also explore lower-cost energy alternatives. Simply put, energy management is optimizing the energy cost per unit of product output. In this Chemical Processing Energy Efficiency eHandbook, we take a look at how to achieve effective energy management including:
•    Energy management programs – the roles and responsibilities needed to create an effective energy management programs
•    Internal and external resources needed for an effective energy management program including what to expect from top management
•    Energy management basics – the five key activities to help reduce energy use
•    Compression dryers – a review of three alternatives: heat, desiccant and refrigerant. Understanding whether the purchase “cost” outweighs the “value” in terms of energy consumption and production levels.

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