1661890952349 Powderprocessingbestpractices

Powder Processing Best Practices

Feb. 19, 2014
A material’s characteristics and how they may change during processing can affect HOW these materials are processed. Key factors affecting powders include aeration, moisture absorption, electrostatic charging to name a few. Many bulk solids are sensitive to heat and humidity. As these levels rise, either in the feeder system or via outside conditions, flow problems crop up. As the powder gains strength, jams and poor flow conditions begin to appear. Costly downtime and a loss of product are incurred while a search is made for a solution to the flow problems. In this Chemical Processing Powder eHandbook, we take a look at key factors affecting powders and today’s best practices for overcoming the processing of powders including:
  Looking beyond the physical properties of particles and treating powder as a bulk entity How scanners take volume to a new level - acoustics-based sensors can help accurately measure the volume of powders in vessels How to determine a coating’s volatile content  - advancements in rapid loss-on-drying techniques significantly reduce testing time Testing powder flow - advances in test methods help better predict flow behavior at elevated temperature and humidity levels Learn how to process powders efficiently. Download your copy of this Chemical Processing Powder eHandbook now.

A material’s characteristics and how they may change during processing can affect HOW these materials are processed. Key factors affecting powders include aeration, moisture absorption, electrostatic charging to name a few. Many bulk solids are sensitive to heat and humidity. As these levels rise, either in the feeder system or via outside conditions, flow problems crop up. As the powder gains strength, jams and poor flow conditions begin to appear. Costly downtime and a loss of product are incurred while a search is made for a solution to the flow problems. In this Chemical Processing Powder eHandbook, we take a look at key factors affecting powders and today’s best practices for overcoming the processing of powders including:

  • Looking beyond the physical properties of particles and treating powder as a bulk entity
  • How scanners take volume to a new level - acoustics-based sensors can help accurately measure the volume of powders in vessels
  • How to determine a coating’s volatile content  - advancements in rapid loss-on-drying techniques significantly reduce testing time
  • Testing powder flow - advances in test methods help better predict flow behavior at elevated temperature and humidity levels

Learn how to process powders efficiently.

Download your copy of this Chemical Processing Powder eHandbook now.