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Chemical Processing’s Powder eHandbook: Make the Most of Powder Processes

April 24, 2014
Powders developed to meet certain product performance targets often suffer from inconsistent and unpredictable flow. The reasons for this are many. A material's characteristics - adhesiveness, cohesiveness, aeratability, pressure-sensitivity - often change during processing and can cause flow problems to crop up. Couple this with changes in the processes themselves and costly downtime can be the result. In this Chemical Processing Powder eHandbook, we take a look at strategies and solutions for overcoming powder processing challenges including: Making the most of flow additives - understand their impact on overall powder behavior to optimize flow Improving performance of gravimetric feeders - tips to avoid poor accuracy and frequent downtime Protecting against combustible dust explosion - economical approaches for protecting spray dryer processes and solutions Make the most of your powder processes. Download your copy of this Chemical Processing Powder eHandbook now.

Powders developed to meet certain product performance targets often suffer from inconsistent and unpredictable flow. The reasons for this are many. A material's characteristics - adhesiveness, cohesiveness, aeratability, pressure-sensitivity - often change during processing and can cause flow problems to crop up. Couple this with changes in the processes themselves and costly downtime can be the result. In this Chemical Processing Powder eHandbook, we take a look at strategies and solutions for overcoming powder processing challenges including:

  • Making the most of flow additives - understand their impact on overall powder behavior to optimize flow
  • Improving performance of gravimetric feeders - tips to avoid poor accuracy and frequent downtime
  • Protecting against combustible dust explosion - economical approaches for protecting spray dryer processes and solutions

Make the most of your powder processes.

Download your copy of this Chemical Processing Powder eHandbook now.