Several presenters at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign’s 2024 Electric Utility (and Co-Generation) Chemistry Workshop outlined how lack of trained personnel and corresponding poor operation of water-treatment systems have, over the decades, led to many boiler and heat exchanger failures.
Equipment repair, replacement and lost production can cost millions of dollars. And some failures have jeopardized employee safety. Yet, in today’s financial environment, where short-term profits often outweigh long-term benefits, companies continue to eliminate experienced staff and pinch pennies on infrastructure repairs.
Compounding the issue is the retirement of many Baby Boomers who are taking extensive experience with them when they leave.
Fortunately, proactively addressing issues related to water treatment and steam production can offer an enormously positive return on investment (ROI).
First Consideration, Makeup Issues
We will use the schematic shown in Figure 1 as a basis for the remaining discussion.
An integral component of steam-generating systems is the makeup water treatment unit. Many plants have sodium softening, sometimes with downstream dealkalization, for low-pressure boilers (<600 psig). A common arrangement for high-pressure units, such as combined-cycle power plants, is micro (or ultra) filtration, reverse osmosis (RO) and ion-exchange polishing. Regardless of boiler size and complexity, a primary requirement is minimizing hardness ingress, which otherwise would readily form deposits in boiler tubes and heat exchangers.
Deposits, in turn, lead to tube overheating and failures.
Yet, as I have directly observed along with numerous colleagues, the focus at many industrial plants is on process chemistry and engineering, with makeup water, condensate return, steam generation (and cooling water) treatment given lesser attention. This results in boiler tube failures. These issues can frequently be attributed to subpar training programs and a lack of knowledgeable personnel.
Compounding the problem in the last decade are the many retirements of seasoned personnel who take their institutional knowledge with them, leaving young, inexperienced people to handle what may, at times, be very complex issues. (3, 4)
Extreme cases have been documented in which, during a makeup treatment system failure, plant management has ordered operators to bypass the makeup system and feed raw water directly to the boilers. I have seen severe corrosion and subsequent boiler tube failures occur from cooling water in-leakage at steam surface condensers. The impurity ingress was much less than that which would occur by bypassing a makeup treatment system.
As a sidenote for forward-thinking plant personnel, even a well-operated and maintained softener still only removes calcium and hardness. A downstream degasifier or dealkalizer will reduce bicarbonate alkalinity, but the other ions in the makeup remain and then enter the boiler.
These impurities include chloride, sulfate and silica. A substitute for sodium softening that can remove 99% of all ions is reverse osmosis (RO). RO should be a strong consideration for makeup treatment of lower-pressure boilers. However, RO units require proper pretreatment to prevent ingress of impurities, such as suspended solids, and they require trained operators to regularly evaluate performance, ensure consistent chemical feed for scale and corrosion control and to perform membrane cleanings when instrument readings indicate that cleanings are necessary.
Irreversible membrane fouling can occur very quickly without proper attention. Also, because the RO effluent (known as permeate) has very few ions, it is considered by some to be “hungry water” that can attack steel. pH-conditioning is important to mitigate these effects.
Don’t Overlook Condensate Return Issues
The water/steam path for fossil-fired power boilers is usually straightforward. Steam produced in the boiler and superheater/reheater drives a turbine to generate electricity. The turbine exhaust steam is condensed in a water-cooled (or perhaps air-cooled) condenser, with the condensate returning directly to the boiler. The condensate and steam typically remain pure unless a condenser-cooling water leak, or, more rarely, a makeup water system upset, introduces contaminants.
The situation is often quite different at cogeneration and large industrial plants, where condensate may come from a variety of heat exchangers and processes. Impurities can potentially include inorganic ions, suspended solids, acids and alkalis and organic compounds. Consider the following case history.
Apart from material and labor expenses for repair, lost production costs may be enormous.
To gain a better understanding of how these water treatment challenges impact industrial operations and to learn about effective solutions, consider attending future EUCCWs. The 2025 event, hosted by the University of Illinois, will take place June 16-18, 2025, in Champaign, Illinois. For more information on the event, visit
- Rziha, “The Loss of Know-How”; presentation at the 42nd Annual Electric Utility Chemistry Workshop, June 4-6, 2024, Champaign, Illinois.
- Water Essentials Handbook (Tech. Ed.: B. Buecker). ChemTreat, Inc., Glen Allen, VA, 2023. Currently being released in digital format at
- Buecker and E. Sylvester, “Foundational and Modern Concepts in Makeup Water Treatment”; pre-workshop seminar for the 42nd Annual Electric Utility Chemistry Workshop, June 4-6, 2024, Champaign, Illinois.
- Sylvester, “Makeup Water Treatment Processes – Ignore at Your Peril”; presentation at the 42nd Annual Electric Utility Chemistry Workshop, June 4-6, 2024, Champaign, Illinois.
- Consensus on Operating Practices for the Control of Feedwater and Boiler Water Chemistry in Modern Industrial Boilers, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY, 2021.
- Buecker, “Microfiltration: An Up and Coming Approach to Pre-Treatment for the Power Industry”; presentation at the 26th Annual Electric Utility Chemistry Workshop, May 9-11, 2006, Champaign, Illinois.
- Buecker (with substantial contribution by R. Post, cooling water expert, retired from ChemTreat), “Current Concepts in Cooling Water Chemistry”; pre-workshop seminar for the 41st Annual Electric Utility Chemistry Workshop, June 6-8, 2023, Champaign, Illinois.