Dow Chemical’s Jim Fitterling Leads ICIS Ranking

Jan. 18, 2023
Exec selected as highest spot in ‘Top 40 Power Players’

Dow Chemical CEO Jim Fitterling is No. 1 on the 2023 ICIS “Top 40 Power Players” global ranking of the leading CEOs and senior executives driving the greatest positive impact in their companies and the chemical industry.

Fitterling was also the recipient of the ICIS CEO of the Year Award in 2022.

“There is not a more prominent leader for decarbonizing the chemical industry and helping solve the problem of plastic waste,” said Joseph Chang, global editor of ICIS Chemical Business.

“Dow is taking a multi-pronged approach to decarbonization, developing new technologies such as electric cracking, and planning to employ carbon capture and storage (CCS) and nuclear energy through small modular reactors (SMRs) to dramatically slash its carbon footprint,” he added.

Dow is also leading on circularity with a goal to become the world’s largest consumer of plastic waste feedstock, having recently announced a tripling of its target to produce 3m tons/year of recycled and renewable plastics by 2030, according to ICIS. 

Download the ICIS Top 40 Power Players here.

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