IChemE Updates Technical Strategy

Oct. 5, 2016
Updated technical strategy sets out future of chemical engineering.

Chemical engineers can help address the most pressing issues for society and the environment, according to the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE). What these challenges are and how chemical engineers can help is set out in “Chemical Engineering Matters,” IChemE’s technical strategy document. The third edition was launched in Adelaide, Australia at Chemeca 2016. The document will reportedly steer the Institution's strategy as it approaches its centenary in 2022.

Chemical Engineering Matters reviews the four key areas of water, energy, food and well-being. Focusing on sustainability and how chemical engineers can make a positive impact, the report also explores external factors such as politics, public influence and the economy. IChemE has collated input from its 19 Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and various regional groups to provide an informed and global perspective, according to the organization. The latest edition also looks at resources and manufacturing, with an emphasis on the sharp increase in raw material demand and the need to design more efficient processes, using less energy, for extraction.

Chemical Engineering Matters is free to download. For more information, visit: www.icheme.org/cem

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