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SCI America Recognizes Honeywell’s Kramvis

Nov. 28, 2016
Honeywell Vice Chairman Andreas C. Kramvis will receive 2017 SCI Chemical Industry Medal.

Honeywell Vice Chairman Andreas C. Kramvis 

The Society of Chemical Industry, America Section (SCI America), will present the 2017 SCI Chemical Industry Medal to Andreas C. Kramvis, vice chairman of Honeywell and former president and chief executive officer of Honeywell Performance Materials and Technologies. He will receive the medal at a dinner in his honor on March 7, 2017, at the Plaza Hotel in New York.

The SCI Chemical Industry Medal honors an individual whose leadership, commitment and contributions have been responsible for substantial progress and performance of the chemical industry, according to SCI. In addition to being an active guiding force in the management of their company during periods of expansion, challenging conditions, or substantial redirection, recipients are known for service rendered to the industry as a whole.

Kramvis joined Honeywell in 2000 after the company's acquisition of Pittway. He became president and chief executive officer of Honeywell's Environmental and Combustion Controls global business, where he reportedly achieved major increases in market share and established strong profitability. In 2008 he was named president and CEO of Honeywell Performance Materials and Technologies, a business group that he successfully guided through the recession, increasing sales by approximately 30% to become a $7 billion business, according to SCI. He also worked in consumer goods for Cadbury-Schweppes PLC, computer peripherals with Comtech and security with Pittway, which later became part of Honeywell.

Kramvis is a graduate of Cambridge University and he holds an M.B.A. from Manchester Business School. He is the author of the book, “Transforming the Corporation: Running a Business in the 21st Century,” which demonstrates how to systematically transform a business for high performance. 

For more information, visit: www.sci-america.org

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