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Will Tequila Help You Lose Weight?

May 26, 2015

Earlier this month there was an article floating around on the internet that said drinking tequila could help you lose weight. I’m assuming it was a story to tie in with Cinco de Mayo celebrations. I copied the URL so I could read the article later. After all, I like tequila and I am always trying to lose weight.

Earlier this month there was an article floating around on the internet that said drinking tequila could help you lose weight. I’m assuming it was a story to tie in with Cinco de Mayo celebrations. I copied the URL so I could read the article later. After all, I like tequila and I am always trying to lose weight.

Turns out the article was referencing a report that was part of the 247th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society in 2014.

Unfortunately, my preferred method of ingesting tequila -- swimming around in a fishbowl of a glass with margarita mix and accompanied by chips and salsa. . . lots of chips and salsa – isn’t going to help me shed pounds. According to an article on Phys.org (the original source of the fluffy Cinco de Mayo piece I read), a sweetener created from the plant used to make tequila is the magic bullet. Specifically, agavins, a natural form of sugar found in the agave plant, are non-digestible and can act as a dietary fiber, so they would not raise blood glucose and could make people feel full, therefore helping them curb their appetite.

If you’re not discouraged by the fact that margaritas won’t make you slim, you can read the entire article here.

Traci Purdum is Chemical Processing’s digital editor. She prefers her margaritas on the rocks with salt.You can email her at [email protected].

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