Rembe introduces the Q-Ball E flameless venting technology. The Q-Ball E is designed to safely protect against the potential damage resulting from a combustible dust explosion.
With the Q-Ball E, a flame quenching filter is used to efficiently cool down flames. This prevents flames from escaping and reportedly minimizes the effects of explosion pressure to an insignificant level. The typical increase in pressure and noise that accompanies an explosion within a building is reduced to an almost imperceptible minimum, according to the company. The flame quenching filter also acts as a particulate retention device so hot embers are not released into the surrounding area, protecting both employees and machinery.
Primarily designed for elevators, the Rembe Q-Ball E ensures maximum venting efficiency due to the newly developed principle of “full body” flameless venting. This new design increases the effective vent area of each flameless vent thus reducing the number of units required.
Other elevator protection systems may require platforms and elaborate reconfigurations to inspect, service and maintain the system. This is not necessary with the Q-Ball E as it is equipped with an integrated signaling unit that alerts the process control system the moment the explosion vent has opened, according to Rembe.
The Q-Ball E design is characterized by extremely low weight. This makes the Q-Ball E well suited for installations on components with limited strength and accessibility. The Q-Ball E is available in three sizes that are designed to fit elevator specifications. Additionally, a sanitary cover can protect the Q-Ball E against humidity and dust whether indoors or outdoors.