The Water Environment Federation (WEF) announces the 2022 WEF Operational and Design Excellence Awards recipients. These individuals and organizations are recognized for their outstanding contributions to the water environment and solutions to operational challenges.
Industrial Water Quality Achievement Award: Bush Brothers & Company (Chestnut Hill, Tenn.)
Innovative Technology Award: EnvioMix – BioMix -DC, Aquacyl–Biochemical Treatment, GEA Group Biosolids–Biosolids Granulator
Morgan Operational Solutions Award: Casey Mentzer, Nevada Water Environment Association
Schroepfer Innovative Facility Design Medal: William Angoli, P.E., Central States Water Environment Association
Water Quality Improvement Award: Anne Arundel County “Turnkey” Program (Anne Arundel County, Md.)
WEF Project Excellence Award:
Boise (Idaho) Water Renewal Utility Plan; Honorees: City of Boise, Idaho Water Renewal Services, and Brown and Caldwell.
Hampton Roads (Va.) Sanitation District Providence Road Offline Storage Facility and Woodstock Park Improvements; Honorees: Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD), Hazen and Sawyer and Crowder Construction.
WSSC (DC) Water Seneca Water Resource Recovery Facility; Honorees: WSSC Water and Brown and Caldwell.
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