Air Liquide Initiates Shanghai Research Center

July 30, 2014
Air Liquide broke ground on the Shanghai Research & Technology Center.

Air Liquide broke ground on the Shanghai Research & Technology Center (SRTC) located in Xinzhuang, in the Minhang district of Shanghai, China. The center will ultimately house 200 employees, including researchers, customer applications experts and business development teams. Air Liquide scientists will work in research areas including energy efficiency, technologies designed to reduce industrial emissions of CO2, water treatment and processes for preserving and freezing food. The center will be operational at the end of 2015.

The new Air Liquide Shanghai Research & Technology Center extends the company’s research capabilities in Japan and South Korea. It will focus initially on developing innovative solutions adapted to the needs of Chinese customers and consumers. It will leverage the main innovation ecosystems in China, building on existing partnerships with Shanghai Jiao Tong University, as well as Zhejiang University and the research institutes affiliated with the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Covering 12,000 square meters, the center represents an investment of nearly €25 million, according to the company. It will house laboratories and large pilot platforms with equipment for designing and testing technologies in industrial-scale conditions. The building is LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environment Design) certified, a global standard in sustainable building that factors in efficient water management, energy efficiency and emissions reduction.

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