European Chemical Industry Expresses Concern Over Endocrine Disruptors Criteria

Aug. 10, 2016
Criteria for identifying endocrine disruptors in pesticides and biocides is insufficient to protect people and the environment says trade group.

In response to the European Commission’s draft criteria for identifying endocrine disruptors in pesticides and biocides, chemical trade association Ceflic asserts the standards are not sufficient to protect people and the environment, according to an article from Euractiv. Ceflic notes the importance of distinguishing between substances that are harmful and those that are not by building all elements of hazard characterization, particularly potency, into the criteria.

According to the article, the European Commission developed its draft criteria using the hazard-based approach of pesticides regulation rather than the risk-based approach favored by the chemical industry. In the former, substances are banned based on hazard without taking into account exposure to a substance.  In the article, Ceflic notes that without weighing potency, substances that are safe for everyday consumption could be identified as endocrine disruptors.

Read the entire article here.

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