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Evonik And Sinopec Start Up OSN Lab

June 30, 2017
Evonik and Sinopec will collaborate on membrane technology.

DuraMem and PuraMem integrate solvent-stable membrane technology.

The German specialty chemicals company Evonik Industries AG and the Sinopec Beijing Research Institute of the Chemical Industry (BRICI) sign a collaboration agreement to build a process development laboratory for organic solvent nanofiltration (OSN) membrane technology. Evonik will act jointly with BRICI to develop new processes for Sinopec.

“The joint OSN laboratory is a novel approach to fostering collaboration. It is well aligned with our regional innovation strategy and future development vision,” says Professor Li Hongbo, president of the Yanshan Branch of Sinopec BRICI. “Evonik will contribute advanced technology, which Sinopec will make accessible to various business stages. With Evonik’s support, we will also build up a pilot plant unit in one of Sinopec’s production sites as an OSN reference plant.”

Sinopec BRICI is dedicated to comprehensive research for the petrochemical industry, according to Evonik. When the company first contacted BRICI in 2015, both parties showed strong interest in potential OSN applications for the petrochemical industry. The following year, laboratory-scale tests were successfully conducted for a lube oil dewaxing application. The joint OSN laboratory was officially established in early 2017, when Evonik’s first (lab-scale) equipment arrived at Sinopec BRICI. In the future, the laboratory will focus on the petrochemical industry to open up markets in both China and the entire Asian region for OSN applications, according to Evonik.

For more information, visit: www.evonik.com

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