White House Recruits Climate Change Skeptics For “Adversarial” Review

March 5, 2019
The “Presidential Committee on Climate Security,” will scrutinize climate science research for an “adversarial” view on the subject.

The White House is recruiting climate change skeptics to provide an “adversarial” review of the science and whether it presents a national security risk, according to an article from Scientific American. The proposed panel, dubbed the “Presidential Committee on Climate Security,” will reportedly include researchers who reject the scientific consensus on climate change.

According to the article, William Happer, a senior director at the National Security Council and an emeritus Princeton University physics professor not trained in climate science, heads up the effort. The committee will look at the recent congressionally mandated National Climate Assessment, which found that “the impacts and costs of climate change are already being felt in the United States, and changes in the likelihood or severity of some recent extreme weather events can now be attributed with increasingly higher confidence to human-caused warming.” The list of researchers and the shape of the committee is reportedly yet to be determined.

Read the entire article here.

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