A chemical used in plastic books, balls and dolls, as well as in baby changing mats and cushions, may be back under the microscope. ExxonMobil, Evonik and Teknor Apex have all asked the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to review the science behind diisononyl phthalate (DINP), a plastic softener whose safety has been questioned, according to an article from Bloomberg.
In 2017, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission followed the lead of the European Union, which forbids concentrations above 0.1% DINP to be in toys and articles which children can put in their mouths, and set that same concentration restriction for DINP in toys, according to the article. Tom Flanagin, American Chemistry Council's director for product communications, reportedly said DINP has been reviewed by multiple international regulators, including Australia and Canada, and found safe for its intended use. The EPA must decide by the end of the year whether to launch a review to evaluate the risks of DINP.
Read the entire article here.