Brave Blue World, a new documentary that explores how "new technologies and ground-breaking innovations can create a sustainable water future for the entire planet," is now available to watch on Netflix. The Brave Blue World Foundation partnered with “global water innovators,” including DuPont Water Solutions, to produce the documentary that paints an optimistic picture of how humanity is adopting new technologies and innovations to re-think how water is managed. Filmed across five continents, the film weaves together previously untold stories and features leading water experts and high-profile activists, including Matt Damon and Jaden Smith.
Brave Blue World also highlights two of DuPont’s customers using advanced water offerings to meet today’s needs, according to the company. In California, viewers witness how Orange County takes a holistic approach to water management, recycling water endlessly and replenishing their groundwater reserves, while in Chennai, India, the audience finds a textile plant that is meeting 90% of its water needs from recycled water.
"We are very excited that this powerful documentary painting an optimistic—and achievable—water future is available worldwide," says Kimberly Kupiecki, DuPont Water Solutions' global leader for sustainability, advocacy and communication, who led DuPont's participation in the film and was interviewed for the documentary. “Many of the technologies and innovations that can enable a more sustainable water future are available today. Through Brave Blue World, we believe more people and communities will share in our vision for a water optimized world where every human and industry has access to clean water and not a drop is wasted.”
Executive Producer and Founder of Brave Blue World Foundation Paul O’Callaghan, who spearheaded the project, says, “I am beyond thrilled that Brave Blue World will be released worldwide. Raising awareness of the global water crisis to help fast-track potential solutions was our ambition when we set out on this journey two years ago. It is thanks to the support of the global water community, including those who have already hosted grassroots screenings, that we have reached this extraordinary milestone and are able to finally give water the profile it deserves.”
Liam Neeson narrates the film. “It’s a great film. We all need to see it,” says Neeson. “Every school and every college needs to see it. Every kid has heard of climate change; the film deeply connects with this. It makes water local – something so many of us take for granted."
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