The Mary Kay O'Connor Process Safety Center at the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station (TEES) releases its schedule of online courses for Spring 2021. The courses can be applied toward the Center’s Process Safety Practice Certificate. The Spring courses are:
- Process Safety Engineering
- Quantitative Risk Analysis
- System Safety Engineering
- Fire Protection Engineering
The Process Safety Practice Certificate is a program that allows professionals in industry to gain a greater knowledge of process safety. This program was created for those industry professionals who want a more in-depth study of process safety. The certificate requires 125 professional development hours (PDH’s) for completion within a three-year timeframe. Continuing education (CE) courses are offered on-site at training facilities in Houston, Texas, and through the center’s International Annual Symposium in College Station, Texas.
Online courses for Spring 2021 begin on January 19, 2021. The last day to register for the online courses is January 1, 2021.
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