MooreHawke Video Highlights TRUNKSAFE Fieldbus System

July 17, 2014
The video shows how the system avoids shutdowns related to faulty FOUNDATION Fieldbus or PROFIBUS PA segments.

MooreHawke, a division of Moore Industries, released a new video highlighting its TRUNKSAFE Fault-Tolerant Fieldbus System. The video shows how TRUNKSAFE uses two physical trunk cable “legs” to ensure that no single point of failure will shut down an entire network. The system’s power conditioners immediately detect, report and isolate a faulty fieldbus leg while allowing system communications to continue on the healthy leg. Simultaneously, the TRUNKSAFE device coupler detects the absence of DC power on the faulty leg and activates its automatic segment terminator.

The video uses a demonstration panel and animation to spotlight exactly how TRUNKSAFE works. It is one in a series of videos produced by Moore Industries highlighting the features and practical applications of its product line.  It is available at the Interface Solution Video Library.

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