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Honeywell Names Student Design Winners

Nov. 20, 2015
Honeywell Process Solutions names winners of the 2015 UniSim Design Student Challenge for Europe and Asia.

Honeywell UniSim Design Student Challenge winners

Honeywell Process Solutions names four students from Curtin University in Sarawak, Malaysia as the winners of the annual Honeywell UniSim Design Student Challenge, which is designed to challenge students to solve real-world problems facing industrial processing plants by using Honeywell’s UniSim Design process simulation and design software.

Engineering students Ren Jie Lee, Shih Chiang Lim, Tze Mun Sam and Ying Ting Loo showcased their winning submission to more than 1,000 attendees at the 2015 Honeywell Users Group (HUG) EMEA Conference in Madrid, Spain. Their research sponsor, Dr. Mesfin Getu Woldetensay also attended.

The students’ project detailed improvements that could be made to the energy efficiency of gas processing plants by retrofitting natural gas liquid fractionation trains using an innovative self-heat recuperative process. This increases the efficiency of natural gas and gas liquids plants – an issue that is critical globally as the energy industry struggles to keep up with consumer and commercial demand.

Honeywell’s UniSim Design Student Challenge recognizes some of the most talented engineering students around the world, according to the company. Winners earn the chance to present their research projects to many of the world’s top manufacturers and potential employers, at HUG.

For more information, visit: www.honeywellprocess.com

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