Yokogawa And Shell Develop APC Platform

June 4, 2021
Offering improves plant systems interoperability and security through support of the OPC UA communication standard.

Yokogawa announces that Yokogawa and Shell have jointly developed Platform for Advanced Control and Estimation R5.03, an offering under the OpreX Asset Operations and Optimization family. Platform for Advanced Control and Estimation is a software suite that brings together Shell's advanced plant process control technology and Yokogawa's real-time control technology to help customers improve productivity by increasing product yield and reducing energy consumption. The upgrade supports Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture (OPC UA), the latest version of a communication standard that reportedly improves plant systems interoperability and security.

Advanced process control (APC) systems improve product yield and reduce energy consumption by maintaining temperature, flow rate, pressure and other process values within a set range and keeping them as close as possible to their optimal set points, according to Yokogawa. Such systems are increasingly used in facilities such as oil refineries, petrochemical plants, chemical plants and LNG trains. Yokogawa's Platform for Advanced Control and Estimation suite reportedly offers the following functionalities:

  • Multivariable model predictive control (the control of multiple variables based on predictions made using models of the dynamic characteristics of plant responses)
  • Soft sensing for estimating quality in real-time based on temperature, flow rate, pressure, and other process values
  • Customization of calculations

Yokogawa says it continues to enhance this suite in response to changing customer requirements. The release of version R5.03 meets “urgent industry needs” for enhanced plant systems interoperability and security, according to the company. Enhancements reportedly include feature expansion, improvement of maintenance features and improvement of execution speed and robustness. 

For more information, visit: www.yokogawa.com

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