2017 Webinars Promise Best Practices

April 3, 2017
This year’s lineup covers myriad topics including safety, energy efficiency and water/wastewater.

Once again we’ve put together a roster of webinars aimed at helping you make your plant as efficient, safe, environmentally friendly and economically competitive as possible.

[pullquote]This year’s lineup also features a four-part process-safety series hosted by Dr. M. Sam Mannan, Regents Professor in the Artie McFerrin Department of Chemical Engineering at Texas A&M University and Director of the Mary Kay O'Connor Process Safety Center.

According to Mannan, “Safe operation of industry involves two broad issues: the technical knowledge and understanding of hazard and risk associated with the operation; and the implementation of that knowledge into practice. As we address these issues, we are faced with the inevitable question, ‘Why do incidents keep happening?’”

To help answer that question, Mannan is delving into four key aspects of process safety. The first installment of the series, Leadership in Process Safety, is now available on-demand and brought home the point that when leaders personally commit to safety and plainly communicate its importance to all members of the organization, safety thrives. Mannan also discussed how leaders must ensure they aren’t giving mixed messages and must lead by example.

Part two of the series, Enforcement and Operational Discipline, tackles regulations. It will address the need for regulations to be science-based and take into account all the data available as well as practical factors. Additionally, once a regulation is developed, clear and systematic methods must be developed for comprehensive enforcement. This live event is on April 18 at 2 p.m. ET. Like all the installments of the series, an audience-driven Q&A session will take place at the end; take advantage of this opportunity to get an expert’s insights. You can learn more about this webinar and the rest of the series here.

In addition to our process-safety series, this year we have two special webinars aimed at explosion protection and prevention. The first event is on May 24 at 2 p.m. ET and will discuss, among other things, the dangers of electrostatic discharge and the importance of grounding. Sponsored by IEP Technologies, a specialist in explosion protection, the discussion will be led by Burke Desautels, IEP's vice president of aftermarket engineering, and Michael O’Brien, head of marketing and product management for Newson Gale. Newson Gale, which provides electrostatic grounding for hazardous areas, was recently acquired by IEP's parent company.

The second special event is a Combustible Dust Control Roundtable. On Sept. 21 at 2 p.m. ET, we are bringing together industry leaders in hazard identification, evaluation and control for combustible dust hazards for an exclusive discussion. Our moderator, Guy Colonna, division director of the National Fire Protection Association, will challenge panelists with tough questions to increase awareness of the hazards and the available safeguards of fires and explosions within combustible solids processing and handling industries. You can learn more about the roundtable and the IEP Technologies webinar here.

In addition to safety, we also are featuring other best-practice-based topics. On May 11 at 2 p.m. ET, we will host a webinar dedicated to energy efficiency. Minimizing energy consumption is critical for optimizing a plant’s economic performance. This webinar will provide insights on how to achieve energy savings. You can sign up for this event here.

On May 25 at 2 p.m. ET we will be hosting a webinar on motors and drives. Specifically, Risk vs. Reward in Upgrading Motors in the Chemical, Oil and Gas Industry. While there are numerous reasons to justify upgrading this critical equipment, there are also a number of risks and decisions involved in doing so. This webinar will address these using lessons learned in the field to help those considering upgrading their equipment. You can register for that webinar here.

We are also bringing you a process management webinar on June 14 at 2 p.m. ET. This webinar will illustrate how dynamic simulation benefits pressure-relief system analysis, optimization of start-up and shutdown procedures, flare disposal system design such as evaluation of flare header pressures and radiation, and more. Register here.

Water no longer is a resource that most plants can take for granted. The cost, quality and even availability of feedwater can pose challenges. Meanwhile, wastewater faces tightening discharge requirements that impact its treatment. This webinar, presented on July 20 at 2 p.m. ET, will offer ideas for optimizing water use and stewardship. Register here.

I serve as moderator for all of these events. I look forward to your participation. Be sure to say hello to me via chat during the presentations!

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